New recipe on my instagram

photo_2021-05-18 13.12.19

Trifle with cherries

Sometimes we need more juicy deserts, that may give us amazing feeling of summer days and vacations.I have a lot recipes on this blog, but this English trifle recipe is one that my family has always loved. Recipes can vary from family to family, but the basic elements remain the same. A sponge cake soaked in spirits layered together with custard, whipped cream, and fruit. I believe one of my aunts used to add banana slices to hers as well!Here it is! Available on my instagram.

Baker’s Tips

  • You can use ladyfingers, or as they are called in England, trifle fingers.
  • A trifle is made in a similar manner to a tiramisu. I had actually made a white cake and we only used a few pieces, so I used the rest to make my trifle.


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